Hello, welcome to MSD China!

MSD China is looking forward to developing together with our corporate members in promoting Supplier Diversity in the Great China Group. We request our corporate members to support the following from a sustainable development perspective,


  a.  Commit to MSD China’s vision and mission

  b.  Designate a representative as a point of contact with essential knowledge to start with; ensure the knowledge transfer completion if the contact changes

  c.  Attend Board meetings and participate in Board committees (only applicable for charter/board member)

  d.  Attend monthly member meetings

  e.  Advocate externally to encourage commitment to MSD China mission

  f.   Identify opportunities within your company to increase awareness of the availability of Chinese diverse suppliers

  g.  Support and participate in MSD China networking and outreach events, where applicable

  h.  Committed and pay annual due as decided by the Board


Thank you.

Membership Obligations

Please contact assistant@msdchina.org for a complete membership proposal.